
Number of relevant pages: 4

Cervical cancer epidemiology and screening results

100% of the Czech population. Registration of malignant tumours is stipulated by law and is obligatory [1]. CNCR data is publicly available on...

Other information sources

( PDF file, 10.6 MB) – Epidemiology of malignant tumours in the Czech Republic – Bethesda System – ed...

Cervical cancer prevention and screening

which might later lead to the development of malignant tumours. These vaccines contain non-infectious viral proteins that are able to induce...

Screening process

4 months Other malignant tumours 4 months Other ...

Number of relevant news: 2

Cancer prevention

is aimed at the reduction in incidence rate of malignant tumours. This consists in the reduction or even elimination of risk factors which have... considered as preventive measures against other malignant tumours than breast cancer. They are also highly effective in the fight against...

One in six worldwide cancers down to 'largely preventable or treatable' infection

rates, malignant tumours, preventable infections, treatable...